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BESPOKE ~ the Art of Fresh Food



You can 'have it all' with this impeccable selection of of our favourite Artists Collaboration Bee Eco Beeswax Wraps. You will receive a perfect pick from our current Ranges of GOTS Certified Organic Cotton, a Harley & J print, a Moonshine Madness Organic Linen and Ink & Spindle Handprinted Hemp/ Organic Cotton. 


Pack of Five; 2 x Small, a Medium, Large & X-Large

Pack of Four; 2 xSmall, Medium & Large

Small ~ 18cm Perfect for snacks, half of an avocado or a small bowl

Medium ~ 27cm Wrap muffins, cover a bowl, cut vegetables or a block of cheese

Large ~ 33cm Cover a large bowl, pie dish, wrap a sandwich or half a melon

Extra Large ~ 41cm Keep your bread loaf so fresh or cover a rising bread dough! Fantastic to take to a party or BBQ over a larger dish or platter. Keep your large bunch of Kale & Spinach alive and vibrant! Perfect for your baked goods, or wrap up a large block of cheese. A kitchen essential.